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Sunday, May 4, 2008


This is a table of Bobby Jameson and Chris Lucey Songs, and Recording/Publishing Revenue from 1964 to 2008.

(1) TALAMO RECORDS "I'm So Lonely/I Wanna Love You" 1964-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue whatsoever from any source. No accounting from any source. Artist revenue 0. Publishing revenue 0. Performance revenue of any kind 0. BMI or ASCAP revenue 0. No Union revenue, AFTRA or Musician Union Local 47. Lots of airplay.

(2) TALAMO RECORDS "Okey Fanokey Baby/Meadow Green" 1964-2008-Written by B. Jameson No revenue of any kind from any source. Airplay (Revenue for all songs, records, and/or performances on this list are the same as above)

(3) DECCA RECORDS and UK LONDON RECORDS WORLDWIDE "All I Want Is My Baby/Each And Every Day" 1964-2008-Artist Bobby Jameson. No revenue of any kind. Various ROLLING STONES ALBUM RELEASES WORLD WIDE. No revenue of any kind from any source. Lots of airplay Worldwide.

(4) BRIT RECORDS UK LONDON RECORDS WORLDWIDE "Rum Pum Mum Num/I Wanna Know" "Rum Pum Mum Num/Please Mr. Mailman" 1965-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. Airplay Worldwide.

(5) MIRA/SURREY RECORDS "SONGS OF PROTEST AND ANTI PROTEST" Chris Lucey/Bobby Jameson-1965-2008-Written by B. Jameson, W. Jameson, B. Hinds- $200 to $250 in 1965, and $127 from ACE Records in 2007 after 2002 rerelease as CD by REV-OLA RECORDS UK. No other revenue from any other source 1965 to 2008. Airplay Worldwide.

(6) MIRA RECORDS "Vietnam/Metropolitan Man" 1966-2008-Written by B. Jameson, No revenue of any kind from any source. No Airplay

(7) PENTHOUSE RECORDS "Reconsider Baby/Low Down Funky Blues" 1966-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. No Airplay.

(8) PENTHOUSE RECORDS "Gotta Find My Roogalator/Lowdown Funky Blues" 1966-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. No Airplay.

(9) CURRENT RECORDS "All Alone/Your Sweet Lovin" 1966-2008-Written by B. Jameson. no revenue of any kind from any source. No Airplay.

(10) TOWER RECORDS/ SIDEWALK RECORDS "Mondo Hollywood Soundtrack "Vietnam" 1967-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. Some Airplay.

(11) RAD FILMS "MONDO HOLLYWOOD" The Film 1967-2008-Bobby Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source.
Played In Theaters World Wide, Video, and DVD Sales.

(12) JOY RECORDS "ONE TOO MANY MORNINGS" by Bobby Jameson 1966-2008-written by B. Jameson, W. Jameson, B. Hinds. Re-release of "SONGS OF PROTEST AND ANTI PROTEST" in Canada and Europe. No revenue of any kind from any source.
Airplay Worldwide.

(13) VERVE RECORDS "COLOR HIM IN" 1967-2008-Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. Airplay Worldwide. Re-released and UNLICENSED in 2006-07 as CD by FALLOUT RECORDS UK. Received $1000 and 50 cd's. Airplay Worldwide.

(14) MIRA RECORDS "HEY JOE" album and singles by THE LEAVES 1966-2008-containing "Girl From The East" Written by B. Jameson. No revenue of any kind from any source. Airplay Worldwide.

If you have not figured this out already, I am not living the life of a successful recording artist and writer. The list above may provide you with some insight as to how well I have done in the "Music Business.. Not only is this a factual account of how it has been, it is a factual account of exactly how it remains. It is pleasing to me to know that there are people who like some of my music and records, but it is another thing to realize in "real" terms what my life is actually like. It is like ZONE X.

I have never received any accounting from any publisher, record company, manager, or BMI and ASCAP for any of my songs and recordings from 1964 through 2008. I did not receive any money from AFTRA or Local 47 Musician Union for 95 % of my work on these recordings from 1964 through 2008.


  1. I got Songs of Protest when it came out on CD several years back - what a great album. And I like non-LP singles...thanks for sharing them.
    So, what's the deal -- do you have the rights to ALL of these recordings?

    Thanks for the music Bobby -


  2. Pete,
    Thanks for your comment about the music. I ams fighting fro all of the rights to all of my music that was not obtained in a legal or moral capacity. If someone legitimately holds the copyright I have no problem with that, only the ones that were claimed illegally.

  3. Bobby, Good luck with everything. It would be great if you could release singles, b-sides, stuff from your my-space site (and whatever else) on your "terms". My friends (more of your fans) and I are rooting for you.

