Restored Pages

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Below is an excerpt from a discussion group I have since quit. I assume that the person who left the comment about the Charles Manson site, and the fact that my name was mentioned, is after the same kind of garbage that this little prick was when he asked his questions and made his remarks below.

Rev-Ola Records used Diane's death, and my connection to her, in their release of the Chris Lucey cd "Songs Of Protest And Anti Protest." The author of that questionable strategy is Steve Stanley. I asked Steve, Rev-Ola, and ACE Records to retract the remarks in Rev-Ola's release of my album over 5 years ago.

To this day Joe Foster and Rev-Ola have not offered any clarification regarding the remarks written and printed in their release about Diane Linkletter, and my relationship to her, even though the true facts are available. To use this kind of shit to sell cd's is bad enough, adding it to the fact that I have been paid nothing by them, makes it all that much worse. It is hard for me, even as cynic, to grasp the coldness of Rev-Ola's choice to use this garbage to sell some records.

> --- nerdalert333 wrote:
Rather than whining about Rev-ola, sounds like your beef's with Kim
Fowley and your hair stylist. look like a demonic trucker.
I was always wondering who the unseen trucker was in the movie
DUEL...Now I know...It was Bobby Jameson!

--- In westcoastpsychedeliaandacidrock@..., Bobby
Jameson wrote:
> nerdalert333,
> Ok! Diane Linkletter was my friend. She committed
> suicide and I was said to have given her drugs. This
> is printed on the paper pullout of the Chris Lucey cd
> that Revola released. It was attributed to Kim Fowley
> as the source of information. Noboby ever asked me. It
> is not true now and was not true then. My roommate, Ed
> Dursten, was in the apartment at the Shoreham Towers
> with Diane when she jumped out her kitchen window 6
> stories up. Ed said he had a hold of her ankle when
> she went out but he couldn't hold her. My friend Jimmy
> George, another musician, was across the street at the
> time and saw her fall, he was the first one to reach
> her. All of us, including Diane's family have had to
> live with this for 40 years. Diane was my friend
> nerdalert333. She was a real human being, as am I. She
> is not a juicy story, nor am I, for consumption by
> juvenile music buffs who think cruelty is sport. As
> far as whining about a cd that only sold a few hundred
> copies, maybe if I could get an accounting from the
> people who released it, I would know for sure then,
> now wouldn't I. As for the deleting of my messages I
> feel that was the same process by which well meaning
> individuals have always controlled people like me, You
> know, the one's who whine. It is obvious at this
> point, that I have upset your nice little safe place
> with my ridiculous complaints about my cd and rights
> as an artist/writer/composer, so I am doing you all a
> favor and quitting the group,which should ease your
> mind. It will be interesting to see what you do with
> that which I have thus far posted as a member.
> Bobby Jameson(aka)The Whiner
> --- nerdalert333 wrote:
> > Question for Bobby Jameson or Chris Lucey. Since
> > you're not a big fan
> > of censorship, rather than blather on about some cd
> > that sold a few
> > hundred copies, we'd like to know more about your
> > relationaship with
> > Art Linklatter's daughter Diane.


  1. Below is an excerpt from a discussion group I have since quit. I assume that the person who left the comment about the Charles Manson site and my name being mentioned is after the same kind of garbage as this little prick was when he asked his questions and made his remarks below.

    I'm sorry you think that. I found the Charles Manson sight by looking up Diane Linkletters name along with her friend as they are not names I'm familiar with and am looking to understand better your story which is where I found the names to start with.

    Why are you sorry? I am not against anyone putting anything here, but I do have an opinion and reactions to what is put here. I have no protection at all and that is fine, but to act as though your feelings have been hurt by my opinion regarding what you wrote here is a little much. If you're going to bring up Charles Manson's name and mine in the same sentence maybe you ought to expect some sort of reaction from me. If I am wrong about your intentions I am sorry, but it was an easy leap for me to make considering the subject matter.

  3. It's so easy for nameless keyboard warriors to toss lying and ignorant cyberbombs. But as you point out, this archive will stand and anyone who reads it will know what really happened. The rest don't matter anyway. Bobby, by doing all of this, you've already won!

  4. Hollywood stories are great... the good the bad and the ugly... even the true stories become the fabric that legends are made of and when you lived there and watched the film unfold... you knew that the movie was yours too. I have chronicled much of this myself in a column called "Mystical Journey" and some of what is being discussed here can also find it reflected in my somewhat metaphysical realization and how there are no accidents but sometimes the synchronicity takes years to really understand. Bobby, I don't know if you know him but he contacted me as this newspaper column was unfolding, and his name is Scott Thomas Lowe and his group: Atascadero from the 60's. I used his correspondence to describe the Riot On Sunset Strip. The Table of Contents can be found on this page ~ Derek Lamar
