Restored Pages

Saturday, January 5, 2008


Had it not been for the internet, I would have remained little more than a blip in the history of rock n roll. But because the internet allows every conceivable fact and thought to be captured, saved, and reborn on the web, I was swept out of my corner and reissued into the current world.

No one has ever gotten the story straight, so I have taken it upon myself to carefully and methodically go through specific highlights from my past and put them in order. I grew weary of reading the bullshit passed off as fact by so called music history experts.

From what I can tell most of these people print rumor as fact, because that is easier than getting the facts. I have contacted numerous sources who publish this crap, and made myself available to them, but they have chosen to ignore me. When written material can, but will not be changed, because someone can't or won't admit they're wrong, I would say that same material, and those who write and publish it, are just plain bogus.

If someone gains a reputation for historical content regarding music business history, and then is found to be completely inaccurate, I would have to say that their reputation is as false as the facts they have written. I don't particularly care if you like what I am saying, because I am not saying it to get you to like me. I am telling my story because it is my story. I have waited 43 years to set the record straight and if some toes get stepped on, then so be it.

My whole life was altered repeatedly by the events that I am relaying here. As a reader, you have the choice to decide whether you believe what I say or not. I have no control over the opinions of others. What I have here is an opportunity to give you my version of the facts as I remember them and frankly relive them, as I tell my story. I am by no means a special case regarding the misrepresentations by these so called historians. I am just one of many whom I hope will likewise take time to set the records straight.

Bobby Jameson (aka) Chris Lucey Jan 5, 2008


  1. Hey Bobby,

    I for one am happy to finally hear your story. As a fan of your music who wasn't around when it was originally being recorded, information on your work has been hard to come by. It's great to finally get the real stories regarding Steve Alamo, the Stones single and the Chris Ducey/ Lucey album.

    I look forward to hearing more about your experiences with Zappa, Norm Ratner and especially Curt Boettcher, as well as the rare Working LP and your life and times on the Strip.

    Also just wanted to add that Color Him In is one of my favorite records ever.

    A Fan,

    Jason Penick

  2. Thank you Jason and thank you anonymous.

    Bobby Jameson

  3. Bobby -- another recent fan here, and I feel very privileged to hear your story. I discovered "Color Him In" last year and was immediately drawn in by your vocals and lyrics, not to mention your image on the album cover.

    One of the most intriguing things about CHI is the way your personality comes through those lush arrangements. A lot of singers would have been buried or lost in them. You were angry and righteous and vulnerable, and you sound it. "Find Yourself" is a heartbreaking track and probably the one I listen to the most, it's actually helped me get through some bad times. (As cliche' as that may sound, it really is true.)

    Thanks for making yourself visible here. Let me say that I hope it hasn't been too painful for you to recount all the memories. I'm excited to track down your music pre- and post- Color Him In, and I'm looking forward to hearing about what inspires you nowadays. But most of all, just wanted to let you know that all those hard times weren't for nothing because your old songs still have the power to inspire. Rock on.

  4. Sorry, that should have been "Know Yourself," of course - it's late and my caffeine haze has worn off. ha ha


  5. Bobby, for what it's worth: I discovered your "Chris Lucey" LP in the used record bin of a store in New Jersey back in 1987 when I was 23, and it immediately became--and remains to this day--in my top 10 favorites of all time. Since, I've bought--and given away--probably around 15 copies to friends and lovers and others in the intervening years. Your music has been such a meaningful, deep part of my life, and I don't know how I can ever thank you properly. I know I surely owe you money for those records I bought!

    Being an ex-working "professional" musician myself, coupled with my ex-wife having worked for a major major label, I know all too well how the industry screws artists. I just read your post on your MySpace page about getting screwed by the Gnarls Barkley deal. I will write to all the music writers I know to see if they could please write about your situation. It's a sham and a shame!

    Much love to you,
