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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

More Emails From Tom Leatherwood On Facebook Tonight

PauLa Servetti
he wrote: Tom Leatherwood

why do you buy into this morons BS? He's a loser of the first degree. His own worst enemy. And a no talent loser whose wasted his life mooning about his bad luck. His music sucks. Always did.
You seem like a woman with some class.....this guy is the king of the narcissist. Total loser. Using FB to bemoan the largest pity party sick of hearing it.
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Vicky PauLa and Andrew like this.
Bobby Jameson This fuckin guy is gone over the line.......
2 hours ago · Like · 2 people

Vicky Damn!!! He has...he's gone waaaaaaaaaaaaay over the line!! What an imbecile he is!!
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person
Bobby Jameson Yeah Vicky...this is demented bullcrap....
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Vicky Exactly!!
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

David Well, I'm totally confused.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people

Andrew demented bs from demented person.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson Emailing me with this crap is one thing, but emailing Paula is going too far.....
2 hours ago · Like · 3 people

Richard I kinda feel sorry for Tom Peckerwood. He's obviously a miserable and angry nut job.
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Wil He has a very serious complex about you, Bobby. Did you beat him up in grade school and take his lunch?
2 hours ago · Like · 4 people

Chris I will run a background on him, where is he located?
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person
Bobby Jameson He's on fb and he is not far from me in Paso Robles, CA.....about 25 minutes from here.....sounds like he's trippin Chris......
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

Nick Think it's more about him wanting Paula than hating Bobby...
2 hours ago · Like

Chris I will check back, my cuz told me to watch jimmy kimmel tonight, yeah he needs to be checked out, i will let you know if he has a record
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person
Bobby Jameson OK...thanks Chris....
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

David Book him Danno.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson IF I could get a hold of him I'd book em in the mouth!
2 hours ago · Like

David Best to let Chris and I take you out to dinner Bobby.
Alibi's you know.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson sounds casual........Ha!
2 hours ago · Like

David Nope. Formal. So put on some socks. LOL
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person

DeeDee Honey, you wouldn't beat up a mentally challenged person, would you? We love you, Bobby. It's sticks and stones, buddy.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person
Bobby Jameson Maybe...maybe he's loaded.....and he lives about 20 minutes from me.....and he's not mentally challenged...he's just full of shit.....
2 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Bobby Jameson But I get your point DeeDee...thanks.......
2 hours ago · Like · 3 people

DeeDee Tom is showing you who the loser really is, and you didn't even have to say anything. I love it when people prove their stupidity.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson Another very good point........OK I'll just slap him a little.....
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

David Is that his real name, or just a FB name?
2 hours ago · Unlike · 1 person
Bobby Jameson His real name is Tom Leatherwood....he is a real person who started this shit earlier in the day.....I have asked people who know him and me to intervene.....we'll see....
2 hours ago · Like
Bobby Jameson I don't even know the guy!
2 hours ago · Like · 3 people

PauLa Servetti me neither
2 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people

DeeDee Bobby, he sounds to me like he's jealous and not getting enough attention.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson Right!
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person

DeeDee Let's see, there is a word for that...oh yeah, pathetic.
2 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people
Bobby Jameson That's the word DeeDee............
about an hour ago · Like · 1 person

Barbara No one knows this Tom guy...everyone knows you Bobby!!! 'Nuff said!
about an hour ago · Unlike · 3 people
Bobby Jameson Thanks Barbara!
about an hour ago · Like · 2 people
Bobby Jameson I'm easing back into a humorous state of mind.........
about an hour ago · Like · 3 people

DeeDee I think we just met the "Lonesome Loser", buddy;-)
about an hour ago · Unlike · 3 people

Barbara LOL! Good one DD!
about an hour ago · Unlike · 2 people

Phil ‎"And a no talent loser whose wasted his life mooning about his bad luck" Are you mooning again? seems the only ass is this dude, he is pissed cause he plays bass in the church choir!
51 minutes ago · Unlike · 1 person

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