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Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I have an internet stalker following me around online. I have written about him before. His name is Tom Leatherwood and he lives in Paso Robles, CA not too far from me in San Luis Obispo. He is a so called solid citizen in his community and a success in business. He owns an aviation company and properties in Paso Robles, and is second in command at the local Rotary Club. For all intense and purposes he appears to be totally legitimate. He is a christian, according to his own words, but seems to have missed the part about Thou Shalt Not Judge, because judge is what he does, and I am his target. I will post below Tom Leatherwood's own words from September 2011, which he sent to my fb account as evidence. I do not know this man, and have never met him on any occasion. I am not, nor have I ever been friends with him on fb or anywhere else. He decided, some time ago, to learn all he could about me and then email me about what he thought, and to tell me how much research he put into the subject of Bobby Jameson.

Tom Leatherwood to Bobby Jameson on facebook messages...

(Tom) Being on the internet is a waste of time for you. MUch less facebook. Ive seen some sniveling whining morons in my life but you take the cake. Ive listened to your whining, read your internet crap and all i have to say is that you get narcissist of the world award. Youve spent your life whining about all the fame and money your "talent" couldnt provide and im sick of it. Face reality. You didnt have it. You just didnt HAVE it. Get it through your head. THATS WHY IT DIDN'T HAPPEN FOR YOU. NO ONE TOOK YOUR IDEAS AND MADE THEM PAY OFF! Anymore then you could. Facebook isnt a place for whining and boo hooing about all the fame you couldnt create, that you didnt deserve. Get a life. While you can. IF you can. Its doubtful.
Stop the pity party. It sickening to listen to. Ive been watching and listening to your crap the last year and tried to be christian in my thoughts. Ive kept my council and talked to people that profess to know you and have finally hit the wall. Get OVER yourself.
Your NOT Jesus Christ, and your NOT Bob Dylan and nobody gives a shiit. And believe it or not, this advice comes to you in all sincerity.
Your a human being and your Gods child. Start acting like it.
Good luck.

44 minutes later...Bobby Jameson to Tom Leatherwood

Well you punk ass mother fucker....anytime shit head...any fucking time you want......Bobby

30 minutes later...Tom Leatherwood to Bobby Jameson
Spoken like a true phsycopath. And then what? Your going to beat me up? For telling you what your friends won't? And what will that change? It's about GROWING UP "Bobby". "punk ass mo fo"? Shithead? I havent heard those since about 1960? What you got from me was good advice, what you do with it is your business. Adios

29 minutes later...Bobby Jameson to Tom Leatherwood
You are an arrogant fake Christian Tom...and yes I will kick the living shit out of you......I'm right down the hill asshole in SLO....

The above was the first communication I received from Tom Leatherwood in September of 2011 on my fb profile message account. I posted it on my blog soon after it happened and figured that was that, but not so. Yesterday, Monday March 19, 2012, I found a new set of comments on a photo album of mine on my fb music page from Tom Leatherwood, which means he has been following me for many more months....those comments are posted below.

Tom Leatherwood (comment on Bobby Jameson music page)

The real point is that people promote music and people BUY music that is good and that they like. It behooves the promoters to PROMOTE and therefore PROFIT from that endeavor. When that DOESNT happen its not a conspiracy to keep a talented composer/promoter down and broke. People that DON'T make the big time either get on with their lives and make something of them or wallow in self pity and waste it.
Saturday at 10:43pm · Like · 1 (tom liked his own comment)

Tom Leatherwood (second comment)
Tell yourself your a victim often enough and you end up believing it.,,,

It is clear that Tom Leatherwood doesn't like me and doesn't care for any of my work or written history. He is convinced that he knows best and believes he has the right, if not a christian duty, to tell me what he thinks. All I want is for Tom Leatherwood to back off and leave me alone. I accept that his opinion of me is thoroughly negative, but will continue to make a public issue of his seeming obsession with me as long as he persists in harassing me. I am posting this information publicly so others who may know Tom Leatherwood will gain a fuller understanding of who he really is.


  1. I especially liked the "Tom likes his own comment" part. Pretty much sums it up, right?

  2. Block him, that'll piss him off...

  3. I received this comment as an email regarding this post and was authorized by the person who wrote it to add it to the comment section

    your writing made me look hard at what Ive done with my life and also at all my questions about success and failure...Unless someone puts themselves out there and lives on the edge the way you did they cannot appreciate what it takes
    Its one thing to get up in the morning and do something because someone tells tells you what to do and gives you money. Its a whole other matter to work your ass off doing what you think is right.

    The art world and music world are fickle at best...who knows what people respond to ?
    Trying to figure it out just drives me nuts.

    The only thing that one can do is pick a path and follow it.

    Your work stands on its own.
    It is damn good stuff . No one can take that away from you.

    Your writing about your life is also damn good and your life is one that needed to be written about.
    I think you can see the quality of your life in the quality of your writing.
    It was extraordinary and Im glad you are a survivor and that you have put yourself out there so that I and others can know about it.

    Nothing else matters.

    This ended up being an email as I am not good at the blogging can post it if you want or you can ignore it ...its just stuff I had to write

    Ed H

  4. Hey Bobby,
    I have been laughing and crying along with you all while I read your story. It is rare that a person can open up and share such RAW and PAINFUL memories. And yes, they are SO HARD to write, as I am learning as I write of my life and the tragic death/murder of my father at Camarillo. Your life, and my own life, is far more colorful than most people I have ever met in my lifetime. Our stories deserve to be told. I know mine does. And I know yours does as well.
    People like Tom Leatherwood don't matter one bit in the whole scheme of things. But it must be serving him in some way, to downgrade you like he has. I'm sorry to say, but he will likely be the one who will actually go to Hell. I wonder what his real story is? I'm very sure there is one, and he might even turn out to be the evil one. I base those comments on my experiences with a few people. Truly bad people are the ones who say only mean things to people. He said nothing kind to you. He has shown NO goodness whatsoever.
    I do want to clear up one thing, I am reading as much of your blogs I can find, because your writing captures the memories in a way that really engages the reader. Also I have my own story to tell. Lastly, I don't want you to think that I'm an internet stalker. It is the Camarillo memories posted on the other webpage that drew me to your blog/story in the first place. Plus I'm now retired and disabled and have little to occupy my time, so I have to find my own times of enjoyment.
    Most humbly,
    Phyllis Anne

  5. hmmm, I made the mistake of befriending him on facebook. I just blocked him and was curious, then saw this. Mental illness, alcohol or a mix of both. Strange person. Dose not spread Love and Joy, Not Christian!More like a Dark Fallen Angel. Just a warning, if you like cruel, Evil, Spirited beings Tom Leatherwood is it!

  6. Sad commentary...if anyones gotten this far...that entire diatribe was Jamesons imagination going crazy...most of it made up and without ANY merit at all....and much of it a total a lot of his rantings and ravings...I finally had to unfriend him and tried to give him some advice but he was past seeing things in a real life sense....Hes' gone now but this ridiculous posting lives on forever...anyone that knows me even a LITTLE bit knows Im not capable of that kind of activity. Stalking? No...a couple of "heads up" about letting go of the past...which was a waste of time....Hes gone now and I wont beat up the dead...Sad that he couldnt find some peace with his life...RIP Tom Leatherwood

    1. You’re a sad old fag and all of SLO county knows it, Tom. Drop the bong and make an effort, grow up why don’t you.

  7. The absolute last word on this....Jameson was cultivating a Jesus like appearance....long flowing hair and beard....emaciated face...then posting piks of him...and piks of Jesus as the modern world views him which is far from accurate....then hed post Jesus pictures next to his....obviously making a comparison which I think in his mind was a place he was going...the last straw and what finally made me try to talk to him in real world terms....and move on...So watch out who you befriend on the could come back to haunt you in ways you wont see coming...adios forever...

    1. “Cultivating a jesus like appearance” Tom, are you fucking retarded? What planet do you live on, kiddo? Don’t drag your feet “liquidating due to retirement,” because if Avlite is still around in 6 months then perhaps whisteblowing processes need to begin.

    2. I say start the whistle blowing now. There's obviously quite a few ex-employees of his in this thread, and if everything is true, ol' Peckerwood could be looking at some serious fines and lose his business. Fuck him. Gather up everybody he's wronged, put together a list of his crimes, and report him. If it comes down to it, not a single one of his ex-employees would be willing to purjure themselves for the old fuck. Hell, most of them would happily testify.

      Aircraft “for sale” are not actually for sale: insurance scam.
      Phone numbers on website have been disconnected.
      If that’s what a “successful” aviation business looks like, I’ll eat my hat. Of course when Tom has to blame someone, he blames Grimes Manufacturing: the parts he’s counterfeiting. “People would rather pay more to own the REAL ones, grrr”

    4. Not only that, but I'm fairly certain that the first plane listed is actually his ex-wife's. And the only "success" that Leatherhead has known in his life is the success of finding the bottom of the bottle.

  8. The two comments above are from the great Tom Leatherwood himself. If you don't believe he is great, then just ask him.

    Tom has been a troll on the Internet for a long time. For some reason he feels the need to put down others probably in order to elevate himself. His charming personality has gotten him booted off of countless forums especially in the aviation community. Everyone knows Tom.

    There is also a lot of speculation about what may cause his behavior. Drinking is one possibility but being bipolar is a strong second. Personally I think it's a combination of the two and a lot more.

    Tom has attacked so many people from the safety of sitting in front of his computer yet he will never understand just how evil and unscrupulous he is.

    It is sad really.

    I wonder if he was picked on as a kid and this is why he feels the need to do this to others.

    I'm not sure why I have given him such thought as he certainly isn't worth it. It's kind of like wondering what goes on in the mind of a pedophile or a serial killer. How does someone get to the place where they think it's okay act so violently against others?

    Trying to make sense of, or to understand, the mind of someone like Tom Leatherwood is futile at best except for a Psychologist maybe. Although I bet he would give the psychologist a run for their money!

    Unfortunately, we have to put up with bottom feeders like Tom Leatherwood in life and especially on the Internet. Like a cockroach Tom runs and hides in the daylight.

    A sad pitiful excuse of a human being but I take solace in the fact that karma or his God, whatever that may be, will take care of Tom Leatherwood when he meets his ultimate demise. Until then let's keep the spotlight on him and spread the word about him and those just like him.

    The internet is a great place for cockroaches like Tom but it is also a great place for those like us who have gotten to know him and to spread the word.

    The more exposure he receives the more others will understand his true nature. Sad and pitiful he is but that is no excuse to accept his reprehensible behavior.

    Shine the light and spread the word!


    2. Can confirm that this is certainly who Tom Leatherwood is. His success in a niche business was nothing more than luck, but he's absolutely convinced he's the greatest man to ever live. He's nothing more than a drunken bully, however. Voicemails with drunken slurring and texts with the ramblings of a lunatic are common with him. He's FAR to the left on the intelligence curve. In fact, he's probably the stupidest person I've ever met, and a conversation with him about any topic other than aviation will quickly reveal that.

    3. whoever you are...besides hiding behind an anonymous post...which makes you a coward...all of this drivel of yours is made up...lies...
      babbling hyperbole that only a very seriously sick mind could conjure up....i'll give you the same advice I gave him. Get a life. Mines great! He was a sad individual. You are a pathetic probably sociopathic liar who made that all up...crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under. Tom

    4. Tom,
      I guess they are correct in that you are too stupid to know that it isn't just one person responding as anonymous but it's a lot of different people that have had the same experience with you. Your life isn't great. It is sad and pathetic. You are a bully and a drunk and have serious mental health issues. This is who you are and those who come in contact with you know this and feel strongly enough about it to post it on places like this. Good luck with life you sad little man.

    5. Everyone here KNOWs Tom Peckerhead is a mentally-ill drunk.

      His drunken manic posts and obsessive need to keep returning here to re-enforce his drunken mental illness is PROOF.


  9. All I can say is I had a recent personal exsperience and I believe he is mentally wrong and I have never said that about anyone he is in his 70s and talks about being with a 23 year old woman intimately while on a date with a grown woman he is dillusional

    1. "unknown" you had NO "personal experience and know ZERO about any of this...idiot

    2. Morgan’s friend, right? He’s pretty proud of that story.

    3. A manic, inebriated Tom Peckerwood (above) weighs in at 1:03am ....

      obsessive? Drunk? YOU be the judge. LOL!

  10. I think it's a bit tasteless to post stuff like Leatherhead did AFTER BOBBY's DEATH.

    This from someone who used to tease Bobby a little when he was alive.

  11. The people that "followed" Bobby are as deluded as he was...none of them...nor did he...know anything about me...if you doubt my words...listen to his music...Roagulator? im wasnt MY fault he wasted his life..never accomplished anything or made a living..self pity and drugs did their worst...and he died living with his mother in a trailer park...all very sad...all of you that post this crap about me, know NOTHING about me...its all hyperbole and nonsense... get a life.

  12. Interesting how all these so called pals of his post their nonsense "anonymously"

    1. It appears old "leatherhead" just can't let it go. Keep diggin' clown. =D

    2. As I have said before; he is his own worst enemy. All he has to do is open his mouth and you get to see his true self. His recent comments prove this. Sad, Sad little excuse for a human being.

    3. He's a musical wannabe. Plays bass in basements and garages. He took his loser-bitterness out on Bobby. Can't believe he keeps commenting here after Bobby's death. Stay classy, Leatherhead!!! =D LOL

    4. He's a store brand Donald Trump, honestly. Racist, sexist, homophobic, and no actual understanding of economic or social policy. He hides behind his riches and pretends that because he has money he's better and knows more than the rest of us.

    5. Which is exactly what you did when you impersonated a former employee, you dead-daughter-having business-fraud fuck-up. You expect us to believe Mark or Carson are showing up on this blog to sing your praises? Get fucking real, Captain Autismo.

  13. Tom's just grumpy because his daughter has jungle fever.

    1. Looks like you're right! =D =D LOL!!

    2. Or as Leatherwood calls them,”soul brothers.” Hilarious he complains about “punk ass motherfucker” being an old-fashioned term and then goes around talking like a Xanax-popping Archie Bunker, lol.

    3. Literally laughing out loud! =D

  14. Tom's "successful business" is a two-bit counterfeiting operation that regularly defrauds the US government of our tax dollars. Surprised a "fiscal conservative" would engage in such behavior.

    1. Chinese runway lights ... LOL!!

    2. lol, he wishes they were Chinese. More like eBay specials hammered into shape by his favorite local busboys.

    3. The fact that the feds/the FAA haven't come knocking on his door yet is astounding. His business should in no way be certified for government contracts...

    4. Lock him up! LOCK HIM UP!! LOCK LEATHERHEAD / Peckerhead UP!!!

    5. 100% true. Just ask Tank.

  15. Replies
    1. Uncle Tom Peckerwood :D

    2. LOL lolol!!! Ol' peckerwood peckerhead! Loser!

  16. As someone that worked for him for over 10 years, it is obvious these people have an obcession with him beyond any reality. I was treated well and enjoyed my time there. And I was well rewarded. The comments that people left here are proof that they really know nothing about him or the business. Sad people that build themselves up by putting down others. I was not going to comment but the childish meanness exhibited here made me rethink it. The person that created this "expose" is gone and maybe it's time to let it go. Also, making accusations about potentially illegal business practices is libelous and prosecutable. Curious that the worst of them post "anonymous", So much for credibility. The company which is about to be slowly liquidated due to retirement, bought and sold Government and commercial surplus. The FAA has no jurisdiction over operations like this by the way. I only knew him as a good person to work for and a good father to his children. People need to take the high road more often. Spreading gossip and hearsay and name calling? Its undignified and childish. And it hurts others who do not deserve to be. Kindness is its own reward. When I read the comments that led up to this It was plain that he was only trying to get Mr Jameson to rise above the problems he experienced and live out his life in peace and not agonizing over things beyond his control. Good advice for all of us.I send out prayers for understanding and peace for Mr Jameson and all of you who were affected by his story. And to move on with your lives. Hate is never rewarded. God Bless. Someone who cares.

    1. Thanks for stopping by to weigh in, TOM!! =D

    2. Nah, that's too well written to be done by ol' Tom Peckerwood. Look at his other comments. He's near illiterate. Though I wouldn't doubt he had someone write this for him.

    3. Tom’s favorite band is Steely Dan and his least favorite band is Cheap Trick, in case you needed confirmation that he just kind of stopped trying around Summer 1976

    4. Ol' Pecker Tom's "band" probably sounded a lot like Doyle Hargraves' (Dwight Yoakam) garage band in the movie "Sling Blade"

      - a bunch of no-talent drunks who string up Christmas lights in the garage and come off sounding like drunk out-of-tune hillbillies playing bad surf music. =D It WOULD be funny though.

    5. Too bad anonymous posts have no credibility, just like Tom says.

    6. "Too bad ..."
      - said Anonymous =D LOL!!!

    7. Nobody besides Tom and “anonymous” posts are defending Tom. Funny.

    8. It is painfully obvious that you are either Tom or one of Tom’s kids, lol. Of course, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of these anonymous posts are Tina :o

    9. I’ve heard Tom Leatherwood admit personally that he lives with several incurable STDs. I hope this woman was not one of his unlucky contractors.

    10. Hey, we have something in common: we’re both ex-Avlite employees. So here’s the deal I’ll cut you: you said making claims about illegal business practices is libelous and prosecutable, ok: take me to court. I am doubling down on those statements, I have video/photo and copied computer records which all prove fraud. Your move.

    11. As much as I'd love for the fucker to hang, be careful with those records. They'd most likely be inadmissible in court, and he could turn it around on you potentially for illegal recording and record copying. That being said, give the FBI/IRS a call and see what can be done.

    12. Considering that the majority of Peckerwood's ex-employees hate him for various reasons, though, I'd say round them up to provide testimony. I'm sure each and every one would be happy to provide information on how he forces his employees to commit fraud daily. And hell, he could be reported to the Department of Labor for a hostile work environment, too. He's certainly made some slanderous claims regarding ex-employees to new employees, so might as well go for the full monty.

    13. He also asked a woman who she was sleeping with as he fired her in 2014.

  17. " ... he was only trying to get Mr Jameson to rise above the problems he experienced and live out his life in peace and not agonizing over things beyond his control. Good advice for all of us." ....

    Those words in the past (paraphrased) have come right out of peckerhead's mouth.

    THAT's the giveaway.

    There is no doubt he either wrote it as a fake third person, or someone wrote it for him.
    Keep checking in and readin' the blog, Tom, you ol' pecker you! =D

    1. Anyone who’s heard him “conduct business” on the phone (once actually asked a secretary “is there a MALE representative of your company I can speak with?”) will have no problem identifying it as one of his unfocused, pedantic rants. The guy’s brain works like an etch a sketch in the hands of a Parkinson’s sufferer.

  18. I also worked for Tom many years ago. I was injured on the job and it turns out he had failed to secure workman’s comp. A crime. This period had a negative effect on the remainder of my life.
    Go ahead and sue me for libel Tom, you worthless crusty cunt.

  19. Someone told me that some idiots were still posting crap on this bit of ancient history so I had to check it out? Whoever these cowards are who post this anonymous BS must be lead pretty worthless lives to take the time and effort to dream up the utter nonsense they post. LOL, its actually funny. The lengths and the lies people will go to when they hide like scared babies behind the anonymity the internet gives them. Truly some sad cases. No workers comp? Hysterical. Actually, Im flattered that whoever he is, is so enamored with me. What this idiot fails to realize is you CANT operate in Ca without WC. Ignorance is NOT an asset. LOL. So keep it up! Eventually youll have enough to fill a Science fiction novel! The shame of it all ":-( "This period had a negative effect on the REST of my life" Who thinks this shit up? Sue you? lol I wouldnt waste my time or energy on such a sick puppy. Get some help...or get back on your meds. Youve lost touch with reality. And for the woman that posted that nice message? Thank you. Cant wait for the next phsychotic rant from Mr Anonymous. Though, like the guy that started this nonesense, one should never belittle insanity. They suffer enough all by themselves. very sad. SIGNED: TL now crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under Mr Anonymous. no one gives a rats ass about your nonsense.

    1. You shouldn’t have drank and smoked so much in front of your daughter.

    2. Whaling West International

    3. "Cant wait for the next phsychotic[SIC] rant ..."

      "no one gives a rats ass about your nonsense."

      Well it sure looks like YOU do, peckerwood.

      You keep comin' back for more. You can't HELP it! =D

      Those who troll leatherhead here have it too easy. Ol' "TL" just can't help himself (as thin-skinned Tom, his hands shaking, leaning over his keyboard while gritting his teeth, reaches yet once again for the bottle) =D

    4. Tom’s workaround for workman’s comp is to register employees as “clerical” when in fact they’re using forklifts and carcinogenic chemicals, etc

    5. Tom once fucked a mexican chick with a stinky pussy and it made the whole house smell, his son-in-law told me.

    6. You know what the best thing about this comment section is? It’s now the #1 google search return for “tom leatherwood paso robles.” Enjoy it ass-hat... you’ve earned it.

    7. And I'm guessing that the way he handles those forklifts and carcinogenic chemicals, etc isn't exactly OSHA approved.

    8. Tom does not acknowledge OSHA because, and I quote, “they’re not even based in this state”
      lol!!! Try thay in court, douchebag!

    9. I'm thinking that maybe he should be trying this in court. Maybe it's time for all of these ex-employees of his to report Leatherwood for his crimes. The FBI, OSHA, and the FAA I'm sure would all enjoy a little chat with him. And hell, maybe even an IRS audit should come his way.

    10. Report him, and
      LOCK HIM UP!!!

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. Looks like Tom had to change his phone #

    13. When the going gets tough, Tom runs and hides in the corner. Sad.
      -former Avlite employee (more recent than the “woman” Tom impersonated above, like the coward he is)

    14. Even Tom's HAT has a propeller!! =D

    15. Tom deserves an IRS audit!!
      Lock him UP!!!

    16. IRS Form 3949-A. It can be found at . If you have information, you should print it, fill it out, and mail it to them. You'll be protecting your own ass, and you might get a reward if they audit him and find major issues.

    17. Damn link didn't publish. It's

  20. Well, when you're in your 70s and your dick doesn't work without pills you have to come up with alternate way to entertain your daughter's schoolfriends.

    1. Are you kidding?

      With all those years of binge drinking in combination with bipolar disorder (and any meds he takes for it - though it appears the ol' pecker is OFF his meds) ...
      I doubt he can present Valerie or anyone else, barely legal or otherwise, with anything more than a diminutive & pathetically limp linguine. =D LOL!

    2. Eh, slap some bondo and some gray paint on that, nobody’ll notice.

    3. Slap an IRS audit on Avlite Aviation, Inc .... NOW!!

    4. Jesus Christ ReturnethFebruary 5, 2018 at 12:50 PM

      Uh oh, hide the rubber stamp kit FAST ��

  21. Lol, Bobby wrote a song about Peckerwood:


    1. That’s nice, Tom. Say hi to Mitch for me.

  22. Tom Leatherwood is a pedophile and Tom Leatherwood is a fraud. I have proof of both.



      Well HI, Peckerhead! Nice to see you're back (again). You always rise to the bait, don't you?

      (We OWN your ass)
      CHEERS! =D LOL!

    2. “You all are cowards and that phone number is disconnected,” says the anonymous poster who just disconnected his personal cell phone number. Hm...

  24. Way to go Mitch and Morgan!! You two deserve each other! Get control of your own lives and stop trying to control someone else's. The two of you are ungrateful, FAT, miserable, lazy pieces of shit. Find something positive and useful to do with your time. Stop trying to inject your misery into other people's lives. Put a smile on your face and be nice to other people and they'll be nice right back, otherwise, keep it to yourselves.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Are yew talkin' about what I THINK yer' talkin' about? ... dads & daughters?

      (you know ... like dawgs & squid?) =D

    3. Yeah, ol' Tommy boi really likes his youngest daughter. Wouldn't be surprised if he wanks to her Facebook profile.

    4. Nope I know that's not my dad because he can't spell that good. It's probably Brad Lyford, our cousin who practically worships him. He really shouldn't talk though since he lives with my mother at age 50 and still works for my dad because no one else would hire him.

    5. Since the above comment by Jake Bullet was deleted, I'll transcribe it below:

      See, this post I believe was Tom. He wants to fuck Raye and calls her "smoking hot" but when his overweight daughter shows up it's all "she's not MY responsibility"
      Typical Trump mindset... He's going through something similar with his 2 daughters.

    6. To Leatherwood and lackeys: you stay classy now, FEDERAL CRIMINALS. You don’t want to assassinate your public character image just yet, in case Tom was lying about liquidating due to retirement and someone else decides to do something about your little chop shop.

  25. Tom Leatherwood was physically and emotionally abusive to me my whole life. I'm sure my dad hurt everyone here but try to imagine being his fucking daughter.

  26. That's right, bite the hand that feeds you! Not only are you stupid, you're a liar too!! Hmmm, I wonder, who pays your rent, who pays for all that food you stuff down your throat? What do you, yourself, pay for? Do you even have a job? Do you bring anything to the table besides drama? Do you really think that it's okay to sponge off your parents and at the same time cast judgement on people who work and pay their own way and look down on them because they don't have rich parents? You've really got some nerve and some serious self entitlement issues along with a long list of other issues. You are an evil little, well, no not little, overweight, well, no not overweight, obese, yes, morbidly obese, girl who needs to learn some manners. If you were my daughter, I'd slap that smug look off your face and tell you to kick rocks! You
    and Mitch are poor excuses of human beings. Good luck to you both, you'll need it.

  27. Says the coward who harasses his bosses daughter anonymously and whose only talent is smoking a cigarette. Brad Lyford, you are the idiot. Wasn't your condition for coming to work here that you not screw my little sister?

    1. ??? Brad screws his cousin?!?
      (you know ... like dawgs & squid)

      This is turnin' into a real Peckerwood soap opry - somebody queue up the theme from "Deliverance" =D

  28. Man, this page is getting GOOD. Can’t wait for Tom to show up again and insist he’s a pillar of the community and a great father. Holding my sides here!

    1. It's a little early yet. Tom will be cracking a fresh bottle ...

      and will weigh in for our enjoyment in
      3... 2 ... 1 ...

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Just ran into this douchebag on FB today in an aviation buy sell trade page. Trying to sell a beech twin for 190k which is way way fucking too high. People were calling him out on it and he responded very ignorantly then proceeded to insult people. I called him a cuck alcoholic and told him it was a bad idea to put his personal info out there. I’m working on DOXXing him right now so I can post all his personal information on here (address, phone, relatives). Do why you will with it because this dickbag deserves it. I just called his work number under the guise of an order and the secretary gave me everything I needed to know about him. Seems like they’re not too vested in his personal safety, wonder why? Tom, when you read this just do me a favor, suck that fucking bottle of booze down even faster so your liver will fucking finally give out and rid this planet of your worthless existence.

    1. Jimmy Fucking PageMarch 18, 2018 at 9:12 AM

      Tom recently took his personal phone out of service (due to me prank calling him), but his business contact is on his official webpage, as is the Beech he's pretending to sell (it makes the tax situation more favorable if the craft is listed "for sale" though rest assured, Tom has no intention of parting with it... which is probably why he has it priced unrealistically high). He just likes to rub elbows with fellow weekend warrior aviators online.


    3. Sounds like he's taken the price up a bit!

      1958 Beech D50A
      Twin Bonanza

      Instrument Panel
      1958 Beech D50A Twin Bonanza
      3200TT, 200 SMOH, 200 SNP
      Custom engines by Pacific Continental
      All new FWF. Pre-oilers. Shadin.
      New glass, leather, couch, shoulder belts
      Inflatable door seal
      King Air brakes/Comet strobe system
      Full IFR, King Stack. MX20, GX55 Roll steering
      Stec 60-2 with Altitude, dual and single yoke
      Show plane detailed. Hangared/covers
      Oshkosh Custom Contemporary Winner 2009
      Lindbergh award
      The best T-Bone in the world.

      As one might typically expect from a tacky scumbag like Tom, he calls it "The Boner"

    4. Lmao okay that makes more sense. Just playing the gov again, it will catch up to him eventually.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Recently had an encounter with this guy. He’s a true autist of the highest caliber.

    2. He takes Xanax and smokes a lot of pot every day (ask either of his daughters). Then when other people can't run his business for him he accuses them of being on drugs. His daughter died in a drunk driving incident, murdering an innocent police officer on her way out... and Tom's way of dealing with this is to have become an alcoholic and a drug addict his own self. Just a thorough unfixable mess of a person.

    3. What a shame. Xanax makes you an emotionless zombie so I’m not surprised he acts the way he does now.

    4. Good call, I’ll report him to the FAA for flying while under the influence and they’ll piss test him and revoke his PPL if he still has it lol. FAA thinks marijuana and airplanes don’t mix too well.

  32. You might be a redneck pilot if:

    …your stall warning horn plays “Dixie.”
    …your cross-country flight plan uses flea markets as check points.
    …you think sectionals charts should show trailer parks.
    …you’ve ever used moonshine as avgas.
    …you have mud flaps on your wheel pants.
    …you think GPS stands for going perfectly straight.
    …your toothpick keeps poking your mike.
    …you constantly confuse Beechcraft with Beechnut.
    …you have a black airplane with a big #3 on the side.
    …you’ve ever just taxied around the airport drinking beer.
    …you use a Purina feed bag for a windsock.
    …you’ve ever fueled your airplane from a mason jar.
    …you’ve got a gun rack on the passenger window.
    …you have more than one roll of duct tape holding your cowling together.
    …your preflight includes removing all of the clover, grass, and wheat from your landing gear.
    …you figure the weight of the mud and manure on your airplane into the CG calculations.
    …you siphon gas from your tractor to put in your airplane.
    …you’ve never landed at an actual airport though you’ve been flying for years.


    1. What we looking at here some kind of evidence? Tell me what it is so I can add it to the list of stuff I’m sending the contractors that hired him. Here are his contracts and contractors all listed, contact them and tell them your experience with Tom.

      I’ve got about three pages worth of shit going out tomorrow morning to all of them and I’ll keep sending it and calling until I get a proper response from them. Next step is local news, I’ll start sending them tips about a crazed local businessman, they love that shit.

    2. Those are some counterfeit landing lights that Tom has his employees put together and pretend that they're straight from new stock.

    3. If you're looking for a list of agencies to contact:

      The FBI for counterfeit parts

      The IRS for tax evasion

      OSHA for dangerous working conditions

      The FAA for violations of airplane 0arts manufacturing laws



  36. Even if there was ANY truth to this nonsense, what kind of person would go out of their way to hurt someones children? emotionally OR financially? Its very sad. Talking about Toms deceased daughter in such a way? No one deserves this kind of treatment. That family has been through enough. This is ugly and hateful. I posted some time ago things I KNOW to be the truth as I WAS an employee, and was treated like family. I left to work in MY families business, and you accused me of being Tom. I'm not im just someone that knows the family and knows injustice when I see it. Shame on whoever you are. Karma is its own reward. It makes us accountable in ways we can never see coming or imagine. I dont wish whoever is doing this any ill will. But Hate is never the answer. We all have to answer for our actions sooner or later. Namaste

    1. So we should stop because he’s a good person? If you’ve seen the shit he said it’s no joke, he’s a sick fuck and anyone who supports him is an enabler. The emails have gone out today, we’ll see if he ever gets any gov work again.

    2. You said it, karma is it’s own reward. I am His karma.

    3. You deserve cancer for defending him. Sad but true.

    4. You are clearly Tom or someone who is sitting with Tom and helping him spell stuff. Give it up before you attract the wrong kind of attention.

  37. I came back just to see if there was a response. I will not again. Whatever is driving you is a sickness. And its cowardly and could hurt people that do not deserve to be hurt. You are acting out the very issues you claim that he supports. To accomplish what? A personal vendetta? You have no part in this. The individual that created this sad commentary on a wasted life is long gone. Let him RIP? The peace he couldn't find in THIS life. Hate will eat you from within. Let it go. I have said all that I can. This blog is a festering open wound that you are feeding. It will bring no one, including yourself any peace. I feel unclean just being here. This is the DARKNET that they talk about. Goodbye. Signed: A Christian.

    1. Lol, you have no fucking clue what the dark net is, do you? The dark net is a network only accessible using specific authorizations and configuration protocols, such as TOR or P2P networks. It's not just some public website that you dislike. Dark net addresses aren't publicly registered, either. Meanwhile, this is the first search term on Google for "Tom Leatherwood Paso Robles", fucking loser.

    2. Get fucked lmao. He shouldn’t be a complete assbag to everyone he meets online. There are consequences to his rants when you fuck with the wrong person. Taking about the dark web like you know a single thing about the internet makes me laugh. There is a reason I can find out everything about him in a matter of seconds.

    3. "Namaste, a Christian..." lol! Proof-read, much?
      So it's in poor taste to go after Tom's deceased daughter, eh? Even though this comment section is SPECIFICALLY an instance of Tom going after a deceased person, and includes instances of someone defending him going after his CURRENT LIVING DAUGHTER.
      Sounds like Leatherwood and bootlegger lackeys can dish it out but can't take it.

    4. Hey guys, I've been enjoying hearing all of your experiences with Tom. He really is a horrible person. I'm in the aviation industry. Every interaction I had with Tom oh, I found another reason to think less of him. This man deserves nothing less than financial ruin and the rest of his life in jail for being such a piece of garbage to everyone. The Inuit would walk Tom to the edge of the ice and kick him off. That is how they dealt with sociopathic Behavior. This culture needs something like that, and Tom should be first in line... Well, maybe right after Trump. Someone mentioned that Tom sounds like a mini Trump. I could not agree more. Mini Trump describes Tom, a cowardly ignoramus, perfectly.

      Keep giving him hell here and he just might have a heart attack.

  38. “That family has been through enough” NO KIDDING. LOOK AT WHO THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH AS A PATRIARCH. No wonder Tina is “exploring future options for income since Tom isn’t gonna be around much longer,” and his own daughter is exposing his ugly character right here on this page! How many grabs by the pussy did he buy your silence with, lady?

    1. No kidding. A friend of mine who's more intimate with the family (I've been lucky to have very little contact) forwarded me a message that Peckerwood sent him. I don't think he'll mind if I post the text below:

      You have no idea how far in the toilet you are. The shit you posted? Are you as crazy as we already think you are? Yes. No other way to see it. You have sealed your gate. You are persona non gratis as far as this family I concerned. You are the worst thing that ever happened to my daughter and this family you have no control no borders no values. You are one sick son of a bitch. If you ever get close enough to me to reach you need to rethink it. I knew you were seriously fucked up but your actions tonight prove you are simply a deluded, college educated dweeb. Watch out. You've put yourself on the other side of reality. There's no coming back from this one....@

    2. Raye’s Black BoyfriendMarch 23, 2018 at 4:04 PM

      Sounds like he wants to suck your dick, man.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Tom and his daughter/wife gettin mad! Watch out everyone: big deal "raye ann" works for the district attorney's office (hopefully in your hometown, if she's hoping to bust you) and won't stand for the smacktalk! lol

    1. Can you post those in higher quality? They're unreadable.

  41. Hello there Netolu Shadowlin or Sean or Porl The'earn or whatever alias you can dream up. You have overstepped the bounds of decency in more ways then I can name. Your mom, Nancy and I had quite a chat the other day. Some of your so called friends identified your alias as did your Mom. You have gone totally over the top and off the grid. Carson Roy Buckley is this freaks name. Mental illness is his game. As was the poor guy that created this blog. Defamation is a crime as is slanderous accusations, as is posting personal information about people without their ok. I dont know what precipitated this obvious breakdown of yours. You were always a bit odd but this latest attack has drawn the line in the sand. Talk about me all you want, Bullshit is bullshit anyway you shake it out. The police have been notified as well as google and Fb. Your alias's are well known now by all. Jesus Christ? LOL your as demented as BJ was. But he had an excuse. I have your address now so i would walk very carefully If I were you. When someone attacks my family all bets are off. These recent posts are the work of an insane mind. As theres not one iota of truth to any of it. Google is on notice and this Blog will be history in a matter of days. Sad that the internet cant identify the wack jobs that can creep and scheme and try to hurt people like this. You were treated well in my employ you monster. I should have dumped you long before you quit to keep from being fired. It was a good job and you messed it up. NOT my problem. I wont wallow in the shithole you must inhabit to make you such a bitter demented human being. I feel sorry for your parents. Both GOOD people who I like and respect. They dont deserve this monster their son has turned into. Its very sad. To anyone else reading this, go back to the beginning and read my responses to BJ's actions. I tried to talk sense to him about getting on with his life, his way of dealing with it was to create this vile blog. There wont be any more feedback from me. I feel dirty just responding in this way. Creeping people anonymously like this is cowardly and without honor. To much play "Sword fighting" there Shadowlin? I do honestly feel sorry for you. Moreso your parents. Two of your high school chums gave you up "Netolu". "Carson" your a sad act. I would get some help. Unless your just to far gone. A sad waste of a life. Like your Hero BJ. Take crazy somewhere else ok? Were all FULL up here! lol signed: TL

  42. Raye mad, lol
    She called me "Carson" and "Mitch".... now now, bitch... there's some things we can't take back!

  43. I know this will sound trite at this point but I am sorry for all the nastiness I have created here. I dont know what had possessed me but that how it felt. Im not a bad person at heart but i have my moments. Im sorry if I hurt your family in any way. My Mom calling me and telling she had found out what I was doing was horrible. I can lie here but not to her. I feel ashamed and horrible re-reading the terrible totally made up things I said. I wont ask for forgiveness its to late but I will stop the attacks. If someone else, and there IS someone else, starts it up again I cant help that. If anymore of those nasty posts show up it wont be from me. I know people will try to say they are me and innocent of all of it but they will be imposters. I am truly sorry for any unhappiness I have created. CB or MC or whatever alias I use tonight.

    1. -sincerely, Shae's killer

    2. Lmfao Tom. This is hilarious. Trying to make it look like you had the authorities/their mom (I’m literally crying I’m laughing so hard) called on someone so people would back down from their threats thinking you were some well connected badass. Fucking retarded man. “Omg my mom called me and I instantly repented” -said no internet troll EVER. Why do you even bother? Are you just compelled to spew bullshit 24/7? Acting like you know or have the connections to trace someone makes me laugh even harder. Trace a URL? Let me help you, it’s trace an IP address. Kinda like how I did yours moron. Didn’t really need to as I had your address already. See then if I really wanted to be a GIANT asshole I’d have called the police and reported gunshots at your residence and hostages being held so the swat team arrived and gunned your dogs / you down. It’s called swatting and actually works. Look up how many people have died from it. You still think you know the internet better than us now? I’m no monster and I’d rather see you suffer in court and rot in jail so that’s the route I’ve taken.

      “Lol watching you too, awipe”

    3. Tom is so pathetic. He acts like a petulant loser.

  44. Dont you know your UAL can be tracked? dumb! lol watching you!
    Adios and so long sucker.

  45. URL? Omg if you’re going to threaten someone with internet tracking at least read up on how it works retard. You won’t ever know who I am you pathetic old man. Your threats are idle, mine are real. I’ve already got a call back from the DOL about the fake lights to clarify my report. It’s so funny, I never even worked for you nor met you but you’re just such an asshole I felt compelled to assist after you decided to start throwing insults around directed at me and my family.

    1. I'm curious, whatever came of this? I'd love to see Peckerwood taken down for his unsafe working conditions and counterfeit parts. Imagine him spending the last years of his life in prison while his former workers get a nice pay out and his family forgets him.

    2. In the works still. Gov contract awarding agency called about my tips and started looking into it further.

    3. Lock him UP!!

    4. I'll drink to that.

    5. Tom has admitted fraud to me in our conversations, and deep racism to boot. Truly sad human being...more like, sad animal. I will be tipping off BFA and FBI, as well.

  46. Hey everyone, since this page is under threat of getting shut down, I’ll be copying and archiving everything from here and reposting it on a private server out of the country where it can’t be taken down even under legal threat. I don’t know what domain I’ll get for yet so if this page goes down just google search Tom Leatherwood Paso Robles and I’ll make sure it comes up for you by advertising it.

  47. It’s ok everyone, toms just upset because his wife left him for the dark meat. DAMN YOU SOUL BROTHERS!

    1. I hope that joke ruins the Blues Brothers version of “Soul Man” for him forever.

  48. Sure is quiet out there.

    1. Knock it off ... you'll make peckerwood hungry! =D

    2. Since Tom feels so strongly about libel, I've gone ahead and contacted Carson Roy Buckley to provide him with screenshots/links to the vitrolic post directed at him [and his mother] by Tom Leatherwood on this page.

    3. Hey .... I thought el pene-cabeza promised us this blog would be "history in a matter of days."

      That was a MONTH ago, peckerhead. =D Stop lopin' yer' mule
      and git busy. LOL!!

  49. This page is getting over 500 views a week!

    1. Peckerwood will be drunk with infamy. =D (till the cops show up)

  50. Lol, there's someone on LinkedIn listed as "Whistleblower at Avlite Aviation, Inc." Too bad I can't see who they are, as I'd like to buy them a drink.

    1. Lock him UP!!


      Spill the BEANS!!!

  51. Everyone who has posted here, needs to get beyond this. We live in a world full of negativity right now, and all this does, is make it worse. What's done is done, so why keep posting about things done in the past, and who did whatever to who, and for whatever reason?. We can't change the past, but we CAN plan for the future. I for one, choose to think in the positive. To bash anyone for their past actions is a redundant waste of time. I'm sure it might seem fun to do it, but it proves absolutely nothing. With no disrespect to Bobby, get on with your lives, and concern yourselves with your OWN issues. Stop flogging a dead horse. It's really not worth it.

    1. If you don't like living in a world of negativity you'll naturally help us in removing Trump from office, and his supporters from the country. Correct?

    2. No, not correct. This isn't about Trump. It's about a bunch of people using someone else's blog page to air their own family problems to the world. That's just not right.

    3. I'm completely okay with it. Please continue. This is about making trolls known to the world. Tom is a granddaddy troll. The world needs to know.

  52. Maybe all of you exchanging these scathing hate-mails with Tom Leatherwood (you know who you are) should start your own chat/blog site, and not air your family "dirty laundry" for ALL to see on the internet. I did not know Bobby, but I'm betting the majority of his family, friends, and fans could not give a damn about your family's issues and problems. Stop trampling on his grave, and let him rest in peace.

    1. Yes, I know who I am. Who are you? Someone who didn't even know Bobby, apparently. Nice try, Tom. You dicked with the wrong people this time and it will likely follow you around for the rest of your life... now SHUT UP and take your medicine, redneck. Bobby would've LOVED this.

    2. Believe what you want, but I am not Tom, nor a friend of Bobby's. If you don't have the guts to tell me who you are, then why should I tell you who I am?. It really doesn't matter. I'm a mutual observer, who hates seeing people trying to use the internet to satisfy their OWN agendas. Were you actually a friend of Bobby's?. If not, than you have NO right to pass judgement on anyone who's posted on this site so far. Whatever happened between Tom Leatherwood and Bobby Jameson is in the past, so why even delve upon it?. Tom's family needs to buck up, and set up their OWN chat/blog page to deal with their family issues, and leave Bobby's fans out of it. It's really as simple as that. I truly feel for Bobby's family, friends, and fans that are trying to deal with his passing. They shouldn't have to deal with this crap.

    3. " don't have the guts to tell me who you are..." aaaaand there's the giveaway, 'mutual observer'. Pathetic.
      This is Bobby's post about Tom bullying him, and Tom showed up to bully him... both before and after his death. Get out of here with your pedantic, sanctimonious, and --above all else-- DISINGENUOUS tripe. You *think* you're clever, don't you.

    4. No more than you won't tell me who you are. How is that any different?. Are you a friend/enemy of either Bobby or Tom?. My comments were from the heart. Whatever issues Bobby and Tom had are in the past, so what's your point?. My only beef with this, was to see all of these hatemails that had really NOTHING to do with Bobby in the first place!. So he and Tom had a conflict...whatever. Water under the bridge. Unless you were a friend of Bobby or Tom, than spare me of this mindless babble.

    5. I knew them both and you knew neither of them. Show me where Bobby considered stuff between him and Tom "water under the bridge." This page was his last word on the matter... but not Tom's, who proceeded to violate all known bounds of decency and morals. If you don't like it, visit another page. The fact that you're taking his side speaks volumes to how dishonest your claims are. I'm pretty sure you're Tom anyway based on the fact that you have the same vernacular and were very active on YouTube on the very days you made this comment, so it doesn't matter. Enjoy your version of creativity in getting to the bottom of this, you impotent moustachio'd fuck.

    6. Oh, you knew them BOTH....For real?. I find that truly hard to believe....If you did know them both, than why would you post this as Anonymous?. Makes no difference to me. Get a life...

    7. I was testing you, and you failed. If you were a "mutual observer" you wouldn't keep coming back here, confidently claiming knowledge of all parties involved in the argument (you find it hard to believe someone knew both Bobby and Tom WHY exactly...?), and then say something like "get a life" without a hint of irony (but then I suppose you Leatherheads were never exactly a brain trust, right). Why would it bother you so much that I'm anonymous? You wouldn't know who I am anyway, right? What if I told you my name was Todd from Atascadero, would that help?

    8. It's so interesting the effect a Valium on the stupid mind. Tom cannot even see how transparent he is on here, about his fake posts and his mental illness.

  53. Looks like leatherhead has finally taken his own advice and "got a life" besides posting his drunken bile here.

    Final score:
    Bobby 1 ... tom -5
    Case CLOSED =D

    1. He's still out there abusing the world, rest assured. Unfortunately, his combo pack of STDs have not quite put him in the ground.

    2. What STDs? Asking for a friend.

  54. Good to see you're still alive! DO NOT TRUST BRAD

  55. "Todd from Atascadero" (If that's really who you are). You can believe whatever you want, but my comments were directed towards Tom, and the plethera of people posting all this crap that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the life of Bobby Jameson. It seems that they've taken their fight elsewhere, and that's a good thing. I meant no angst towards you personally. I did not know Bobby, but I say may he RIP.

  56. ^soooo creepy. "I did not know any of these people but I randomly decided to make this my personal crusade and sign up for auto-notifications in the event that anyone posts here." Go fuck another one of your daughter's schoolfriends, Tom.

    1. haw Haw HAW!! Way to go, haysoos -

      Tom Peckerhead gets exposed
      and publicly owned
      He can't help it - it's the BOOZE

  57. Time to let it go, people!. Tom Leatherwood probably IS an idiot, but WTF does that have to do with anything, or anything related to Bobby?. Tom chose to bash him on his own accord, and that was just wrong. I say let Bobby rest in peace.

  58. bobby is dead but leatherwood is not. get fucked you bleeding hearts, I'm gonna turn this page into a fucking active forum if I god damn see fit.

    1. May this thread outlive Tom. _/\_

  59. Why even bother to turn this into an issue about Tom Leatherwood, or make this an active forum for what purpose?. If you have issues with Tom Leatherwood, than deal with him directly. No one else cares. If you actually were a friend of Bobby's, than let it go, and let him rest in peace.

  60. I have known Tom Leatherwood for a long time. One of my favorite stories about him was long ago, when ebay would let you see member profiles and what they were buying. I checked out what Tom was buying and selling. As a testament to his wit, he didn't realize that others could see what he was buying. He was purchasing lots of porn and not your regular porn, but some real sick and twisted stuff. Oh my God it was funny and yet quite alarming to see inside of the mind of the guy. Baron319 was his ebay screen name.
    I guess he finally figured out that people could see his sicko fetishes and other twisted purchases and he quickly made his account private. That was changed back to public later probably when he found a better place to feed his peckerhead need. The guy is really the born loser. He just can't win.

  61. per Tom Peckerhead on April 2, 2018 at 11:11 PM:
    (ahem ...) "Google is on notice and this Blog will be history in a matter of days ..."

    Anniversary comin' up pretty soon ... Hope you can find time to weigh in (drunk as usual) for the occasion! =D hahahahahhaahaha!!

  62. Tom Leatherwood is a pedophile and his daughter Raye sucks council dicks to get internships.

  63. =D .... ol' peckerhead pedo. LOL

  64. Somebody POST somethin' dammit!
    (phuque you, tom!) =D

  65. Avlite's counterfeit parts are manufactured by Harmony Machine & Fabrication in Atascadero.

    1. Lock him UP! Peckerwood crook!!
